Green Home Grants LAD Phase 2 National Guidance

Low-income households in England may be able to access a government grant to fund the installation of energy saving measures for their homes.

Landlords are eligible for this funding, subject to the terms of the scheme in their local area.

Local retrofit assessors and installers may be able to participate in the delivery of retrofit programmes that are funded by central government and delivered by Local Authorities.

Local government and third sector agencies that promote action on fuel poverty may wish to refer residents to these home energy retrofit programmes in their areas.

The Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is providing government funding for the programme as part of the Green Home Grant Local Authority Delivery Programme.

Local Authority Delivery of Green Home Grants is a different scheme from the Green Home Grant Voucher Scheme which is now closed to new applicants.

Follow this link to navigate to:

  • Guidance for Households
  • Guidance for Landlords
  • Guidance for Retrofit Installers
  • Guidance for Retrofit Assessors

Find information about the scheme in your region

Local Energy Hubs in each of five English regions are supporting Local Authorities to deliver programmes of energy efficiency and low carbon technology retrofit measures.

Use the links below to learn more about schemes in:


Advice about Local Authority Delivery

Local Authority Delivery LAD Phase 2 is a £300million programme to fund home retrofit in England. Local Energy Hubs in each of five English regions are providing allocations of funding to participating Local Authorities.

Local Authorities which are participating in this programme have some discretion over which homes to target and which energy measures to focus on.

This means that in some areas, a campaign will be launched to invite private households on a low incomes to participate. Some of these campaigns will be restricted to particular post codes areas with high deprivation and older housing stock.

In some areas, a local authority will be supporting a registered provider of social housing to deliver works to tenants. Private landlords may participate in these schemes at the discretion of the local authority.

These regionally administered programmes are one of several waves of funding GHG Local Authority Delivery (LAD). An initial £200 Million of GHG LAD Phase 1 funding has also been awarded to Local Authorities on a competitive basis in September 2020 and January 2021.

It is anticipated there will be future rounds for funding to enable local authorities to support their communities to address fuel poverty and poor energy performance of homes.