LAD2 Guidance
Guidance for Households
Funding is available for low-income private households which own their own home.
Local Authorities supported by the Local Energy Hubs will contract with Delivery Partners, Assessors and Installers to deliver measures to households. Retrofit Coordinators will support households with medium term plans for improvement and ensure that measures funded under the Local Authority Delivery schemes are appropriate for the property.
Grants for home energy retrofit are restricted to certain measures that will make an impact on the energy performance of the home. This includes significant insulation measures, such as solid wall insulation, and replacement low carbon heating systems, such as heat pumps.
You may be eligible for have an annual household income of less than £30,000 or if your income is less than £20,000 after housing costs. Households will need to provide evidence to support their application for funding.
Eligible measures may differ from scheme to scheme. Other measures such as first time double glazing, heating and hot system renewal and heating control upgrades, may be fundable. The scheme cannot fund gas boilers, oil boilers or other fossil fuel sources.
Local Authorities will be contacting households eligible and targeted for funding in their area.
Not all homes in every local authority will be targeted to receive measures. If you are unsure about whether funding is available to you, follow links to the scheme in your region to find out more about opportunities.
Government is providing this funding as an economic stimulus to the economy during the covid pandemic, to address fuel poverty and to contribution to reducing targets to reduce carbon emissions.
Guidance for Landlords
Funding is available for low-income tenants in socially rented households.
Landlords must apply for this funding, which must be matched with a minimum 30% contribution to the costs of the assessments and installations.
Social landlords can contact their local authorities to develop scheme proposals. Many such projects are being developed. Timescales are short for new projects to be developed but opportunities may be available. Social landlords may also be interested in forthcoming funds for Social Housing Decarbonisation
Private landlords are required to upgrade homes with the worst energy performance rating. Private Rented Sector Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards require that where costs are not prohibitive (e.g. over £3500 per property), Landlords must upgrade .
Private landlords may be interested in grant funding to match their contribution and upgrade their stock. interested in this funding should contact local councils to find
Guidance for Retrofit Assessors
Schemes receiving government funding for home retrofit must now be registered with Trustmark.
Trustmark is a government endorses quality standard that is used to lodge works that have been delivered to national good practice standards for assessing, designing and installing energy efficiency measures and low carbon technologies.
The Microgeneration Certification Scheme is a requirement for low carbon technologies.
The Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 2030 is a requirement for energy efficiency measures.
In 2021, a transition to the PAS 2030 (2019) is underway. The Local Authority Delivery Phase 2 scheme will be delivered under the new standard. Retrofit Coordinators will support households with medium term plans for improvement and ensure that measures funded under the Local Authority Delivery schemes are appropriate for the property.
Retrofit Coordinators, Retrofit Assessors and Retrofit Designers may be able to participate in Local Authority Delivery of schemes via procurement routes that have been established in some geographies. Details of these can be found in relevant regions.
Guidance for Retrofit Installers
In order to install measures under Green Home Grant and receive payments, installers must have appropriate certification. Details of certification requirements can be found in government guidance for different schemes.
Installers who are certified and registered to provide Green Home Grant Vouchers can be found here:
For energy generation measures, MCS, the Microgeneration Certification Scheme is the certification route for installers.
TrustMark is the Government Endorsed Quality Scheme covering work a consumer chooses to have carried out in or around their home.
PAS 2030 is a publicly available specification for installers of energy efficiency measures. Installers eligible to provide relevant energy efficiency measures for the GHG must have PAS certification.
NOTE: PAS 2030 is in transition between PAS 2030 (2017) installation standards and PAS 2030 (2019) design standards. The newer standards will be in force for from June 2016. Information relating to this transition can be found here:-